DIY Film Camera Services

On this page I offer services for DIY film camera hobbyists. Most DIY camera hobbyists have no expensive test equipment to check or adjust their camera. My shop has the camera testing equipment necessary to check and adjust, curtain times, shutter speeds, and exposure meters.

I started repairing film cameras in 1978 and I have enough experience to help DIY hobbyists solve their camera problems with the services listed below.

Contact me at my shop by email or phone. Email or (325) 676-2524 (11-5 CT)

DIY: Film camera repair consultation by phone or email.

This service is for those of you who need help to get past a problem you’ve encountered with a home DIY film camera repair. The consultation price for something simple that takes half an hour or less to resolve on the phone. Price $25. If the problem involves the exchange of images or the making of a tutorial video, I charge more, counting on the time it takes.

DIY: Film camera curtain times, shutter speeds, and exposure meter, checked and adjusted.

This service is for those of you who are doing a home DIY film camera repair, but have no testing equipment to set the curtain times, shutter speeds or exposure meter on your camera. You will need to ship the camera to my shop. After it arrives I can usually start on it the next day. Price $120.

DIY: Film camera shutter speeds and exposure meter tested, and the results printed out.

This service is for those of you who want to know if your camera’s shutter speeds and exposure meter are accurate. (Note: This service does not include any adjustments, it only includes the recorded readout of shutter speeds and exposure meter test.) This service is for anyone, not just DIY. You will need to ship the camera to my shop. After it arrives I can usually start on it the next day. A printed form of the test results will be returned with your camera. Price $65.

DIY: Film camera mirror bumper and foam seals replaced.

This service is for those of you who want the mirror bumper and film door foam seals replaced on your film camera. You will need to ship the camera to my shop. After it arrives I can usually start on it the next day. Price S95.

Full film Camera Refurb of your camera, and a YouTube video made of it in a disassembled state.

This service is for those wanting Refurb repair service for their film camera and a video posted on my YouTube channel showing the camera in a disassembled state. Price $370.

Payment Method

Payment by personal check, money order, or Paypal. 

Shop Address:
401 Neas Rd.
Abilene, TX


Contact me at My Camera Hobby

DIY film camera hobbyists can contact me at my shop for any of the services listed by email or phone. Email or (325) 676-2524 (11-5 CT)